Logan Square Parking

Logan Square is named for General John A. Logan, who was an American soldier and political leader. One of the most striking intersections in the city, the square itself is a large public green space formed as the grand northwest terminus of the Chicago Boulevard System. The area is characterized by the prominent historical boulevards, stately greystones, and largebungalow-style homes.


The nightlife of Logan Square is an eclectic mix of quirky pubs and Prohibition-era themed bars. Logan Square also contains a wide variety of restaurants, shops and an auditorium which regularly offers musical entertainment. The neighborhood is also home to the Logan Square Boulevards National Historic District, which boasts a spectacular collection of old graystone homes. Logan Square is a vibrant and multicultural neighborhood which is affordable, has easy access to public transportation, trendy shops and a wide mix of interesting options, which make it a popular attraction for people from all walks of life.


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